In this screencast, I explore a quick and easy way to find degree program information instead of the common approach today which favors forcing people to navigate their way through a university’s org chart of colleges, divisions, schools, and departments before getting to degree information. This approach takes advantage of a centralized visual and navigational experience rather than the more common approach of allowing each school’s/college’s/department’s/etc. present their own separate experience.
UPDATE: Both design and architecture have changed somewhat from what you see in this screencast, but the general approach continues to test well with our intended audience (and others as well). Specifically, we have gone to a single degree chart listed by subject and no longer will offer it by school or college. We find most people gravitate to the subject list and so we’ve abandoned the other in favor of taking one more click out of the undergrad and grad areas. Now when you reach those two landing pages, you no longer have to choose which approach to view. Instead, we’ll simply show the subject grid and allow people to get on with their degree finding task.